For the past 19 years, supporters of the Lehigh Valley Wine Auction & Gala have raised more than three million dollars in support of two long-standing, Easton, PA based not-for-profit organizations: The Children’s Home of Easton and the Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society. Integral to the community, these two nonprofit organizations support vulnerable youth in their community by reflecting on their personal histories and preparing them for brighter futures.

As a result of the financial support from the events, The Children’s Home of Easton is able to provide housing, education and care for over 100 children dealing with abuse, neglect and other traumatic experiences.
100% of the students at the Home were promoted to the next grade level.
100% of high school seniors graduated last year and are currently attending a college or trade school.
32 different organizations and businesses within the Lehigh Valley have collaborated with us to provide a well-rounded curriculum to guide, support, and encourage children to believe in their own self-worth, reach their full potential and become contributing members of our society.
To learn more about The Children’s Home of Easton, visit their website by clicking here.

Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society (NCHGS) provided community, educational, and special events for 2,000 families at its Sigal Museum, 1753 Bachmann Publick House, Mixsell-Illick House, and Jacob Nicholas House.
1,048 students received free field trips to experience their history hands-on.
The popular Traveling Trunks program continues to be offered to all Lehigh Valley teachers for use in their classrooms. Students enjoy touching, exploring, and wearing elements of Lenape, Colonial, and Victorian-era history.
500 youth participated in Historic Art Sidewalk Series, Heritage Day, and Fourth Friday activities for free crafts, games, movies, and more.
Junior historians enjoy summer history camp, Night at the Museum, and other unique interactive, immersive programs.
To learn more about the Sigal Museum, visit their website by clicking here.